Talbot Humane


Oxford Day 2025

Save The Date- Saturday April 26th! 


Paws and Plates at Ruse in St. Michaels


Join us at Ruse in St. Michaels on February 19th 4P until close to raise funds for the animals of the Midshore.

Reservations are highly recommended! 


Spread Some Love

Spread some love this year with Valentines at Talbot Humane!

Your $5 donation will send a Valentine to any pet (of your choice) here at the shelter. We’ll decorate their kennels and condos with your love and you’ll be entered to win some awesome Talbot Humane gear, loads of coffee to keep you going, or gift cards.

Visit here to order your Valentine!



Paws & Plates at Legal Assets January 15th


Put this event on your calendar NOW! On January 15th Legal Assets on S. Harrison St. Easton will be donating 10% of all sales to the animals !

Now through the 15th, Legal Assets  hosting a raffle for a $100 gift card to thieir delish restaurant $1 per ticket – and you can start getting tickets right now. They will draw the winner on the night of the 15th.  Guest Bartender for the 15th will be our director, Patty Quimby!  You definitely want to check out her cocktail making skills.
The featured cocktail will be the “Water Bowl” – a crystal cosmo garnished with craisins. YUM! Plus, for each “Water Bowl” sold, we’ll donate an additional $1.
They will be selling their homemade dog treats, with all proceeds going to Talbot Humane.
Come out for a great meal, amazing drinks, and a whole lot of fun as they step up to help the animals   on January 15th.
RESERVATIONS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. CALL 443-746-2178. If leaving a message, be sure to include your phone number for confirmation.

UNLEASHED 2025- Coastal Delaware Running Festival

Unleashed runs coastal delaware details

For information on how to join, more about the program or how to become a corporate sponsor, contact Coach Amy at talbothumanevolunteer@gmail.com or 410-822-0107


25 years

25 Years

25 years of serving the animals


I am experiencing a lot of “the feels” lately. Maybe it is the holidays. Likely has a lot to do with surviving the past several years of challenges in many aspects of life! Definitely in part realizing that I have spent almost half my life and most of my professional career at Talbot Humane as of this month. The first day I walked into the small “house” with kennels off the back I had absolutely no idea just how it would change my life forever, and I have rarely looked back. I have made life long friends and met some of the most amazing people. I have foster hundreds of animals and loved even more than that- once I even fell in love with a human- my forever supportive husband who has been through much of this journey with me.

I have said it before, but it bears being on repeat. Animal Welfare in 1999 and Animal Welfare today are vastly different beasts. 1999 there was no Animal Cops on a cable TV network. There was no social media. There was barely email. It was a different world. Hard painful facts. 1999 more animals left in the freezer than out the front door- and that was most shelters across the country. This sounds brutal but it is true. Why was this? Were we unfeeling monsters? Nope. It is simple. You don’t know what you don’t know.  We were just keeping our heads above water and saving those we could. I would leave every Thursday afternoon and say a prayer for those who would not be here when I returned on Sunday morning. You must WANT better for the animals and people of your community and do the hard work to effect change.  We wanted to do better, and we did. Staff from the day I started as an animal caregiver at Talbot Humane (then Talbot County Humane Society) didn’t just sit by and say, “oh well, we are stuck here.” Or “We can’t do that”. They said “What can we do to make a difference. How can we change this.”

Boundaries were tested- A LOT. I remember people asking “who do you all think you are” when we fought for animals to have proper shelter. We had residents complain to the county council that we were too innovative, that we worried too much about “their property.” Can you imagine that today? Our spay neuter program also celebrates 20 years this year. We had people fighting with us that they didn’t need their pet fixed. They thought we were “crazy animal people” and I heard this more than once- “It’s their animals God given right to have babies”… Now, for 20 years we have ensured all animals are spayed or neutered prior to adoption and provide free and reduced services to residents- more than 1,300 surgeries a year.

Through the years I have also grown beyond words. Some hard lessons, some great successes. Thanks to board of directors through the years that believe in growth of staff and that an educated staff creates a better organization, I have been able to grow exponentially in the field. I have had the joy of meeting thousands of amazing people in my roles, serving the people and pets not only here in Talbot County but throughout Maryland and beyond. I have the honor of serving as president of the state association for animal control and shelters, and the special honor of serving on the Maryland board of veterinary examiners as well as the Maryland Spay Neuter board.  I am one of only 300 in North America who has earned the Certified Animal Welfare Administrator credential. I owe this to the support of my family, friends, team, volunteers and colleagues.

Along with these personal successes and incredible experiences, I have also had my share of prickly moments. Missteps in the field. Threats of violence when you show up to check on the welfare of an animal (and nope- I did not leave!) Resistance to change. Having people openly criticize when you have to make the tough decisions. Experiencing your team judged for doing the hard work of cleaning up societies messes can all take their toll. All being said, I learn every day from my team, our community and my colleagues. Sometimes those uncomfortable moments bring the biggest opportunities of growth personally and for TH.

I feel like I could write a book (or several) on the different aspects of shelter life, of what we see, what we REALLY do, and what we feel in a 24 hour period. I am thankful for the moments that have brought me here. I am grateful our community has entrusted me with leading our team of crazy coconuts- staff and volunteers alike. And Universe willing, I have many years ahead continuing to serve the pets and the people who love them.


For the animals,



Our Humane Community Doing Amazing Things

It is pretty amazing when you consider the support our community provides to Talbot Humane. Whether it is a local business collecting supplies and food, a community group running a fundraiser or children stepping up for the animals, the impact they make on the animals of our community cannot be understated. From foster parents taking the sick and scared into their homes to our volunteers who come in EVERY DAY to provide love and support to the animals, we are blessed.
We thank each of you for what you bring to our community and our organization. You are all the proof we need that The Best Shelter is a Humane Community. 

Santa Comes to Talbot Humane


Boutique is open both days for your shopping needs! 

15th Annual Cookie Walk


The Cookie Walk is Back for year 15! We are continuing with the pre-orders as we have in recent years. All orders must be in by NOON on Saturday December 7th.
Pick up of boxes is Saturday December 14th at the Pawsitively Fabulous Boutique next to Talbot Humane between 10Aa- 4:45P.
Get your order in TODAY!

Holiday Raffle Returns!


Our annual Holiday Raffle is BACK!

More than 50 baskets valued at $500-$750 each thanks to our generous community will be raffled from early November- the week before Christmas! Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Each basket promises to bring you your own holiday joy!


This year we have 3 stand alone tickets available for very special prizes. Selling only 200 of each, your chances to win are great!

  • Paul Reed Smith SE electric guitar and swag thanks to friends to the animals Christie Woodard
  • $1,000 gift certificate from Wylder Hotel Tilghman Island to be used at the hotel or restaurant
  • 2 night stay at the Hyatt Chesapeake Bay Resort

Tickets may be purchased at the  Holiday Boutique (starting November 1st) at Talbot Humane, at our community events or from select volunteers. You may also purchase here:


Happy Tails

Read successful adoption stories from those who have already adopted a pet from Talbot Humane.

View Stories
lost pet

Have You Lost Your Pet?

Please check this link and contact our office to report a missing pet.

Begin Your Search