Talbot Humane


For Dog’s Sake- behavioral help for your best friend

Susan has been a team member at Talbot Humane for over a decade. As a dog lover and certified canine behavior consultant, Susan’s commitment to the animals of our community is a great asset to our team. She has assisted our staff with formalizing our shelter dog training program and helps teach volunteers to train our shelter pups.
Susan was not only on the board of Dancing for the Dogs, the amazing fundraising event that supported multiple animal welfare organizations in our community, including Talbot Humane, she served on the Talbot Humane Board of Directors for more than 4 years. During that time she served as Board secretary and created the AMAZING Petparazzi Calendar fundraiser which has grossed almost $60,000 in just 3 years!
Susan will be sharing her expertise here with adopters and pet owners. If you have a topic you would like addressed, please do not hesitate to contact us! info@talbothumane.org subject- ask the trainer 

Susan Sarubin


Certified Behavior Consultant Canine – Knowledge Assessed

Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed

Pat Miller Certified Trainer

Fear Free Certified Professional

Faculty Advisor, Victoria Stilwell Academy

Monthly Blogs

January 2023: Using Management for Behavior Problems: Using Management for Behavior Problems- Susan Sarubin

May 2023: Storm Anxiety: Storm Anxiety- How to Help our Pets Cope- Susan Sarubin



April 2022- We are talking Separation Anxiety with Susan: Separation Anxiety, or Something Else? By Susan Sarubin


May 2022- The Name Game- Does your dog really know his name? The Name Game- By Susan Sarubin


August 2022- What to do if your adult dog has a lapse in housetraining:   Accidents Happen- By Susan Sarubin


October 2022- Why your dog won’t “come” when called- Come Hither- By Susan Sarubin


November 2022- Is your dog a “scaredy cat?” – Scaredy Dog By Susan Sarubin


December 2022- Preventing Holiday Stress- 12-22 12-22 Holiday Stress By Susan Sarubin



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