Talbot Humane


Summer Adoptathon

Adoptions will take base on a first-come, first-serve basis. You can save time and pre-register HERE!

Please fill out the application as completely as possible. You can also email copies of your driver’s license to: adoptions@talbothumane.org

For SAME DAY adoptions you will be asked to fill out an application on site. Please bring the following items with you to ensure our ability to process your application same day:

  • Driver’s License or State ID
  • Proof of home ownership and/or lease with pet addendum or policy
  • Proof of rabies vaccination for all animals currently in the home

No Adoption Fee for Cats and Kittens

No Adoption Fee for Small Animals, Reptiles, or Turtles

Dogs and Puppies are 1/2 off

Dogs – $90 $45

Puppies – $125 $62.50

Every adoption will earn you a raffle ticket for a chance to win one of our amazing gift baskets!

Additional tickets may be purchased for $1 each.

Cat Raffle Basket

  • cat bed
  • cat carrier
  • scratching pad
  • KitNip Subscription Box
  • Pet Treater Subscription Box
  • Toys, treats, and tunnels





Dog Raffle Basket

  • Toys, treats, and Kongs
  • Pet Treater Subscription Box
  • BarkBox One Month Subscription gift card
  • Leashes and collars
  • Food dishes and travel bowls



Family Fun All Afternoon

Join us from  11 AM to 3 PM

July 30, 2022

at Talbot Humane

7894 Ocean Gateway, Easton, MD

We’ll have music, food, raffles, goodies, and even a pup kissing booth!

September is Preparedness Month- Safety for You and Your Pets


In times of crisis, people are often told to leave their homes for a “short time,” only to find that they cannot return for days or even weeks.  As a result, community animal shelters are overwhelmed with lost and separated pets following a disaster.

“Helping our residents and pets during an emergency is extremely important to our organization.” Said Patty Quimby, Executive Director of Talbot Humane.  “The Talbot Animal Disaster Services  Team has been in place and ready to assist our residents during weather or other catastrophic emergencies where an emergency shelter would need to be opened since 2010.  Providing the tools to our residents to be prepared in the event of an emergency is a priority.”  Quimby adds, “Preparedness saves lives.”

Talbot Humane suggests families build a Pet Emergency Go-Kit and store it with the rest of the family’s emergency preparations:

  • Basic first aid supplies
  • A 3-day supply of bottled water and the pet’s preferred food, held in a waterproof container
  • Safety harness and leash
  • Waste clean-up supplies
  • Medications and a copy of the pet’s medical records
  • List of veterinarians and local pet care organizations
  • List of the pet’s feeding routine and any behavioral issues
  • Comfort items, such as a blanket or favorite toy, to help keep the pet calm and comfortable

They also recommend the following Tips to Help Ensure Your Pet’s Safety in an Emergency:

  • Ensure your pet’s identification by using a microchip or collar ID tag, and make sure that your contact information is up-to-date.
  • Display a pet rescue decal on your front door or window to let first responders know there is a pet in the house. Include your veterinarian’s contact information.
  • Learn where your pet likes to hide in your house when frightened. Finding your pet quickly will help you evacuate faster.
  • Identify a location to take your pet if you need to leave your immediate area. Keep in mind that disaster shelters for people may not be open to pets. Scout hotels and motels with pet-friendly policies and ask relatives or friends if they could house you and your pet.
  • Carry a picture of your pet in the event of separation.
  • If you need to evacuate, consider taking a pet carrier or crate for transport and safe-keeping.

For more information on emergency preparedness for your family and your pets you may visit ready.gov , HillsPet.com/PetPrepared, or contact Talbot Humane at 410-822-0107. 

Whiskey’s Warriors- helping pets in need!

Last year Katie Rohe and her family found their new puppy was going to need surgery to correct severe hip dysplasia which would cost several thousand dollars. This was a period of stress and worry about their sweet pup, not to mention concerns about finding the funds to pay for such and expensive surgery. This is when Katie realized there are so many people and animals in the same position. Because of her experience and learning that many owners end up having to surrender these pets to their local shelters, Katie decided she was going to do something to help those animals not as fortunate as Whiskey.   That’s when Whiskey’s Warriors was born! 

The purpose of the Whiskey’s Warriors 5k is to help pet owners who cannot afford or fall short of the funds necessary to help pay for their pets’ medical needs, or to pay for the surgery of rescue pets who would have otherwise not been adopted, due to health issues. The funds will help Talbot Humane further our Intervention and Retention program to assist pet owners in our community with medical needs in order that they do not have to surrender their pets to the Talbot Humane.

Interested in being a sponsor for this fun and important event?  Download the sponsorship information Whiskey’s Warriors Sponsorship Package

The Race is set for the morning of September 21, 2019 in Easton, Maryland. Sponsorship opportunities, donations and of course runners and walkers are needed for year 1 of the race! For more information on the event, or to register, go to Another Level Fitness- Whiskey’s Warriors

ID Saves Lives! $10 Microchipping is Back!


What a deal- our microchip service fee has been cut IN HALF for a limited time! 


According to the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy (NCPPSP), less than 2 percent of cats and only 15 to 20 percent of dogs are returned to their owners. This is a sad statistic, but it’s true! Your dog and cat cannot tell us their name, address or phone number- that is without your help!

Talbot Humane wants to increase the chances of reunited lost pets and owners.  One safe and effective way to provide identification is through having your pet microchipped.  In recognition of Pet Identification Week which is the 3rd week of April each year, Talbot Humane will be offering microchipping of your dog, cat or ferret for only $10 for the entire month of April. This includes the registration of your chip with HomeAgain and an identification tag.  Now when was the last time you even purchased a collar for $10?

Even if your cat doesn’t go outside, or your dog is always on a leash, accidents happen. Make sure all of your pets are properly identified so they can get home to you in the event of an unforeseen emergency! 

For more information or to schedule an appointment call (410)822-0107 today.  Appointments are available between 11A-4P Monday-Friday 1P-3P on Saturday.

Humane Choices for Free Roaming Cats in Talbot County

Did you know at any given time 2/3 of the population in our shelter is comprised of felines? These cats come to us for many different reasons; a friendly stray arrives on your porch, someone is moving, a found litter of kittens, aged animals. The most difficult cats to manage in a shelter environment are the free roaming and feral population that people choose to trap and bring to Talbot Humane. When the public brings us these cats they have trapped and say, “ Oh, I know you can find a farm for him.” Well, sadly that is not always the case.

A few things people do not realize. Talbot County code allows for the immediate euthanizing of feral cats.  Talbot Humane’s policy is an emphatic NO on this point. We keep every cat, even those arriving in traps and behaving in an aggressive manner for a period of time for observation. We do our best to mitigate the stress of the shelter for these cats and give them time to decompress. There are many times we find upon allowing these kitties to settle for a few days they are not wild, or feral. They were probably someone’s pet at some point who just let them go.  Other times it is clear these cats are free roaming animals that have no interest in human contact.  A truly feral cat experiences a great deal of stress when confined and are dangerous to those caring for them when living in a cage indefinitely. For a cat to enter the barn cat program they must be somewhat manageable by humans as there is an entire process to acclimating them to a new environment so that they actually remain in the area. Shelter life for the most well-adjusted cat is stressful.  Imagine being a wild cat, not used to human contact in close quarters with humans and other cats. TERRIFYING and frankly inhumane.

For these reasons we are asking for the community’s help! Before you simply set a trap for a cat coming to your property and bring to Talbot Humane please give us a call!  Are you OK with a couple cats but you are afraid 2 will turn into 10? We can help with spay/neuter and vaccinations.   If you really do not want them on your property, they may be coming from another area. Assess to see what is attracting them. Are you feeding other wildlife outside? Are you leaving trash uncovered which attracts wildlife and cats?  Our staff can provide you with humane methods of excluding unwanted animals from your yard, flower beds, and sheds.

Last year our open admission shelter took in 605 felines (each year this number declines a bit!) 68 of those cats were euthanized (this number too continues to decline.) The majority of these felines were euthanized for medical reasons, but a portion were feral or semi feral cats which could not be placed in a new location, often because a property owner refused return of the cats even though we offered spay/neuter services. Our goal is to reduce the number of otherwise healthy, free roaming cats entering the shelter in 2019.  We ask you to consider being a part of the solution and work with Talbot Humane to reduce the number of unwanted animals entering our care and protect the animals of our community.

A More Humane Talbot County in 2019


For the better part of 2018 Talbot Humane, the Talbot County Animal Control Board, business owners and private citizens of Talbot County have been working together to update the Talbot County Code as it applies to animals.  This portion of the Talbot County Code has not been updated since 2006. 

Over the past 12 years we have seen massive progress in the way we look at our pets, knowledge on what causes some behavior issues, and laws and ordinances protecting animals in many areas of the country including many counties right here in Maryland.  We have also witnessed some egregious acts of cruelty and neglect in our own backyard.  How can we forget the 300 cats hoarded in Caroline County a decade ago, the 300 Pomeranians in deplorable conditions in Wicomico county in 2016 or earlier this year not only the 100+ horses left to die in Quantico MD, but the kennel in Anne Arundel County where people trusted a facility to care for their pets, and many did not make it out alive? 

Our office hears from our community in Talbot County and knows they want to see change. They want to see laws protecting animals mirror our values as a community.  They cannot wrap their minds around a dog being out in frigid temperatures, or, an owner being allowed to have a dog live on a chain 24/7.  In recent months multiple Maryland counties have adopted anti-tethering and/or extreme weather ordinances to protect their animals. It is time for Talbot County to do the same. 

Specific areas being updated/added are as follows:

  • Extreme weather requirements for animals outdoors
  • Anti-tethering ordinance
  • Licensing of boarding, breeding, training, rescues facilities

Please review the proposed updates to the county code below.  If you have questions, want to voice your support, or have concerns we ask that you contact our office at patty@talbothumane.org or the Talbot County Office of Law care of Mary O’Donnell at MODonnell@talbotcountymd.gov

Tentatively these changes are to be presented to the Talbot County Council in February 2019. Please show your support for a more humane Talbot County in 2019.


Animal Control Board Proposed Changes to Chapter 15 Jan 31 19
Talbot Humane Memo to Council Jan 31

Summer Guest Barktender at Doc’s

Our Summer Guest Barktenders are the dynamic duo of Matt Spence and Mark Potter! You may know know these guys probably more from their voices- they host the morning shows on WCEI and WINX each day! They will be slinging drinks and trying to raise more than the $1,700 our director raised in March! 

BIG NEWS! Tito’s Handmade Vodka– Vodka for dog people will be MATCHING up to $10,000 in donations for this year’s events! HOW AMAZING IS THAT???? EVERY dollar you give will be doubled this year! 

Dinner and drink specials will be offered and 10% of dinner sales will be donated by our amazing host Chooch! 

If you cannot make the event our virtual tipper is up and running too-https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/guestbarktendertalbothumane 
Join us in raising a glass and $ for the animals in need at Doc’s Downtown Grille!

2nd Annual Midshore Adopt-A-Thon at Talbot Humane


On Saturday, August 4th join us once again at Talbot Humane for our Summer Adopt-A-Thon! We have once again invited surrounding shelters and rescues to bring pets and find homes! Currently planning to attend are: Baywater Animal RescueAnimal Welfare League Queen Anne’s County Hill Hounds Animal Rescue and Sanctuary, Inc. , Eastern Shore Rabbit Rescue and Education Center and Caroline County Humane Society. 

The day will also include: 
Door Prizes
Food For Sale
Goodie bags
Kids prizes 

Talbot Humane will be having SERIOUS Adoption Fee specials! Our pets are going to have their bags packed and ready to go home with YOU! 

If you are a rescue or shelter interested in attending or a local business interested in donating a door prize or raffle, please contact Patty Quimby at patty@talbothumane.org or (410)822-0107!

Guest BARKtender for the Animals at Doc’s Downtown Grille

Come out to support Talbot Humane and our Executive Director who is the reigning champion of 2017 for our Guest BARKtender competition! Once again 4 of our great Talbot Humane friends will be slinging drinks for the animals at Doc’s! Talbot Humane’s Executive Director is first up competing for her title and most importantly raising cash for the animals of our community.

Drink and dinner specials will be to help those that need us most- 10% of the dinner bill from 5-7:30PM goes to the animals and fill the donation jugs too!

We hope you choose to join us this Thursday evening at Doc’s Downtown Grille. We thank Doc’s for always stepping up for the needs of Talbot Humane, supporters like Doc’s and you are why we believe…

The Best Shelter is a Humane Community!

Frosty PAWS 5K Saturday January 20th!

Our awesome friends at TriCycle and Run are once again doing their Frosty Paws 5K to support the animals of our community!  Saturday January 20th their free 5K will be held in St. Michaels. Thanks to the sponsorship of Carpenter Street Saloon this will be a TIMED RUN!  YAY!  Entry fee? Supplies for the shelter!  You can check out our wishlist here: TALBOT HUMANE WISH LIST

It is encouraged everyone you know to register online here: https://runsignup.com/Race/MD/SaintMichaels/FrostyPawsFREE5KFunRun  

As for race day, please plan to arrive at the shop (TriCycle and Run – 929 S. Talbot St. – St. Michaels – MD – 21663) no later than 8:30am to pick up your bib and complete registration. Please plan to park at St. Michaels Elementary School (on Seymour Ave.), then make the short walk down to the shop. There will be a pre-race meeting in the front parking lot at 8:45am. We will then walk as a group to the start line across the street at 9:00am.

As usual, this event is designed to be FUN!! As such, this is a prediction race….meaning that just because you cross the finish line first, doesn’t necessarily mean that you are the race winner. You will need to guess your finish time by the closest margin to be declared a race winner!!

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