Talbot Humane


Summer Adoptathon

Adoptions will take base on a first-come, first-serve basis. You can save time and pre-register HERE!

Please fill out the application as completely as possible. You can also email copies of your driver’s license to: adoptions@talbothumane.org

For SAME DAY adoptions you will be asked to fill out an application on site. Please bring the following items with you to ensure our ability to process your application same day:

  • Driver’s License or State ID
  • Proof of home ownership and/or lease with pet addendum or policy
  • Proof of rabies vaccination for all animals currently in the home

No Adoption Fee for Cats and Kittens

No Adoption Fee for Small Animals, Reptiles, or Turtles

Dogs and Puppies are 1/2 off

Dogs – $90 $45

Puppies – $125 $62.50

Every adoption will earn you a raffle ticket for a chance to win one of our amazing gift baskets!

Additional tickets may be purchased for $1 each.

Cat Raffle Basket

  • cat bed
  • cat carrier
  • scratching pad
  • KitNip Subscription Box
  • Pet Treater Subscription Box
  • Toys, treats, and tunnels





Dog Raffle Basket

  • Toys, treats, and Kongs
  • Pet Treater Subscription Box
  • BarkBox One Month Subscription gift card
  • Leashes and collars
  • Food dishes and travel bowls



Family Fun All Afternoon

Join us from  11 AM to 3 PM

July 30, 2022

at Talbot Humane

7894 Ocean Gateway, Easton, MD

We’ll have music, food, raffles, goodies, and even a pup kissing booth!

Keeping Pets Safe and Happy this Summer


Most pet owners realize that keeping pets in hot cars can kill them…but not many realize just how quickly the effects of heatstroke can set in for a dog or cat. Heatstroke is a condition animals begin to suffer gradually, but it accelerates quickly; it’s easy for early signs of heatstroke to go unrecognized, and for the pet to be in an emergency situation within mere minutes.

On warm days, a vehicle acts like an oven.  It holds the heat inside, and that heat becomes very intense even on days that don’t seem too warm. On an 85-degree day, for example, even with the windows open, the temperature inside a car can climb to 102 degrees in 10 minutes, and to 120 degrees in 30 minutes.  With the humidity we experience here on the shore, it may go even higher.  Because a dog’s normal body temperature is 101-102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, he can withstand a body temperature of 107-108 degrees for only a very short time before suffering irreparable brain damage…or death. (more…)

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