Talbot Humane Launches Shoe Collection Drive to Raise Money for Shiloh Fund
Shoe donations will benefit shelter animals and micro-enterprises in developing nations and reduce what goes into landfills

Volunteers from St. Vincent De Paul have already begun delivering shoes for this project. Talbot Humane is proud of our community partnerships to improve the lives of not only animals but the citizens of our community!
Easton, MD, March 10, 2016: Talbot Humane is conducting a shoe collection drive from March 15-May 15 to raise money for the Shiloh Fund, an emergency fund the shelter maintains to pay for unexpected medical expenses, such as surgeries, lengthy vet stays or costly medicines. The Shiloh Fund is central to Talbot Humane’s ability to save the lives of injured and sick animals that many open admission shelters would have to euthanize and No Kill shelters may turn away. Talbot Humane will earn funds based on the number of pairs of shoes collected. If we fill 100 bags with 25 pair of shoes each, we will raise $1,000 for the Shiloh Fund. Anyone can help by donating gently worn, used or new shoes at Talbot Humane on Rt. 50 in Easton.
All donated shoes will be purchased by Funds2Orgs and then redistributed throughout the Funds2Orgs network of microenterprise partners in developing nations. Funds2Orgs helps impoverished people start, maintain and grow businesses in countries such as Haiti, Honduras and other nations in Central America and Africa. Proceeds from the shoe sales are used to feed, clothe and house their families. One budding entrepreneur in Haiti even earned enough to send to her son to law school.
“We are excited about our shoe drive,” said Patty Quimby, Executive Director at Talbot Humane. “We know that most people have extra shoes in their closets they would like donate to us to help our shelter animals and to help those less fortunate become self-sufficient. It’s a win-win for everyone.”
If you have a group or organization that would like to collect 25 pairs of shoes to fill one of our bags, please contact Susan Langfitt, Fundraising Coordinator at Talbot Humane at 410-822-0107 or susan@talbothumane.org.