That moment when you realize your dog or cat jumped the fence, got out the door, or broke free of the leash can be an extremely terrifying time for a pet owner. If you lose a pet please call Talbot Humane immediately with a description and location where lost. If you find a pet please call and report him even if you choose to hold onto the pet for a few hours in an attempt to find the owner. This will increase the chances on both ends of a happy ending.
If your pet goes missing, here are some tips and resources:
- When you realize your pet is missing you first should always call your local animal control and humane society. Often they were picked up by a Good Samaritan and brought directly to safety.
- If your pet it not currently at the shelter, ALWAYS do a lost pet report. This gives those agencies your contact information and description of your pet so if they do get a call you can be quickly reunited.
- Search your immediate neighborhood. If your pet likes other animals go to the homes with pets. If they like children, do the same. A scared pet often gravitates to their comfort zone.
- Use social media! People are connected 24/7 and with a photo and area last spotted your pet may be found!
- Cats usually only travel within a block or 2 of home. Ask neighbors to look in their sheds, under decks and in brush.
- Put out your pets favorite food by the door they use to go in and out.
- Resources such as Dogs finding Dogs, Finding Toto, and Red Rover may provide other resources when your pet is no where to be found.
BEFORE you and your pet are in crisis, there are things you can do to help get them home in the event they become lost:
- Microchip AND keep the registration current. Be sure to change phone numbers and addresses as needed with the microchipping company. If your pet is not currently chipped, contact Talbot Humane today to schedule an appointment.
- Have ID on your dog’s collar. This includes both ID and license tags, AND writing your phone number on the inside of the collar in permanent marker.
- Have a current photo of your pet each year in the event you ever need to make a flyer.