Talbot Humane


National Poison Awareness Week- Keeping our pets safe!

Keeping Your Pets Safe from Common Household Items
According to the National Safety Council, thousands of lives have been saved due to physical barriers like child resistant packaging and awareness campaigns. Likewise, in recent years, the veterinarians at Pet Poison Helpline have worked tirelessly to raise awareness about protecting our vulnerable and unknowing pets from common household items that are highly poisonous to them. “Every year, we receive thousands of phone calls from pet owners, veterinarians and veterinary technicians about potentially poisoned pets,” said Justine Lee, DVM, DACVECC and associate director of Veterinary Services for Pet Poison Helpline. “Fifty percent of the calls are for pets that have been accidentally poisoned by something that is safe for humans, but toxic to pets. It only takes a few minutes to educate yourself on how to avoid these situations. Appropriate petproofing and awareness of what to do in the event of a pet poisoning situation could spare you and your pet trips to the veterinarian for expensive, but life-saving treatments.”

Below are the most common household items that are toxic to pets. Ensuring that your pet doesn’t ingest them will be well worth the time and effort needed to keep them a safe distance away.

Xylitol: Many sugarless gums, including some Trident™, Orbit™, and Ice Breaker™ brands, contain xylitol, a sweetener that is toxic to dogs. Candies, mints, flavored multi-vitamins, desserts and baked goods may also be made with xylitol. Even small amounts when ingested can result in a life-threatening drop in blood sugar, or with large amounts of ingestion, liver failure. Signs of xylitol poisoning include vomiting, weakness, difficulty walking, tremors and

Human medications: Common human drugs including NSAIDs (e.g. Advil®, Aleve® and Motrin®), acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol®) and antidepressants (e.g. Effexor®, Cymbalta®,Prozac®) can cause serious harm to your pets when ingested. NSAIDs can cause serious stomach and intestinal ulcers as well as kidney failure. Acetaminophen can damage red blood
cells in cats, limiting their ability to carry oxygen, and in dogs, it can lead to severe liver failure. Ingestion of antidepressants, which, of all human medications account for the highest number of calls to Pet Poison Helpline, can lead to neurological problems like sedation, incoordination, agitation, tremors and seizures.

Flowers: With Easter and spring right around the corner, flowers will begin to bloom. As beautiful as they are, some flowers can cause severe toxicity, or even fatalities, in animals. Certain types of lilies including tiger, day, Asiatic, Easter and Japanese lilies, are highly toxic to cats. Severe kidney failure can result from ingestion of even a few petals, leaves, or even the pollen. In addition, ingestion of certain spring bulbs (e.g. daffodils, tulips) can cause severe vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. More serious reactions include abnormal heart rate or
changes in breathing.

Chocolate: With the Easter bunny on his way, make sure your kids hide their candy from your dog. While the occasional chocolate chip in one cookie may not be an issue, certain types of chocolate can be very toxic. Baker’s chocolate and dark chocolate pose the biggest problem. The darker and more bitter the chocolate, the more dangerous it is to our pets. The chemical toxicity in chocolate is due to methylxanthines (a relative of caffeine) and results in vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm, seizures, and possibly death.

Fertilizers: Many fertilizers are basic gastrointestinal irritants. However, some are often combined with dangerous chemicals and compounds called organophosphates or carbamates, which can be harmful or deadly to pets. Ingestion can result in drooling, watery eyes, urination, defecation, seizures, difficulty breathing, fever and even death.

Pest Control Products: Rodent, snail and slug baits are often used to keep pests at bay. However, if ingested, these poisons are extremely harmful to pets. They are highly toxic and without immediate veterinary attention can be fatal. Rodent baits typically can result in blood clotting disorders, brain swelling or kidney failure, while snail and slug baits can result in severe tremors or seizures.

Pet Poison Helpline recently worked with VPI pet insurance to produce several videos with helpful and interesting information about keeping your pets safe from toxins inside and outside the home. They are available here: http://www.petpoisonhelpline.com/Ask-the-Vet-Videos

Remember that what is safe for humans isn’t always safe for pets. If you think your pet has ingested something poisonous, it is always better (and less expensive) to get help immediately, rather than waiting until your pet is showing severe symptoms. Contact your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline immediately at 800-213-6680 for life-saving help. Pet Poison Helpline is the most cost-effective animal poison control center in North America charging only $35 per call, including unlimited follow-up consultations.


Reprinted from Pet Poison Helpline.

More information can be found at www.petpoisonhelpline.com 1-855-764-7661 info@petpoisonhelpline.com 8009 34th Ave. S Suite 875 Minneapolis, MN 55425

Bark and Brunch at Legal Assets


Our friends at Legal Assets are supporting the animals of Talbot Humane! We are so thankful for our community partners and this new addition to Easton from our dear friends the Oristian family who have supported us for years is exciting. 

Sunday March 14th they are having their first Bark and Brunch. Legal Assets is teaming up with Tito’s Handmade Vodka for a fundraiser for Talbot Humane. HOLD THIS DATE! Then join us in the Legal Assets Backyard Patio for a Dog-Friendly afternoon. They plan to have giveaways, special treats, raffles, and more.

Talbot Humane Welcomes New Board of Directors President and 2 New Members

January 2021 in a unanimous vote Bridget Horner was named new President of the Board of Directors of Talbot Humane after Joe Petro stepped down from his 5 years of incredible leadership. Bridget hails originally from the Baltimore area where she worked for Baltimore Gas & Electric/Exelon for 31.5 years until retiring in 2018, moving to Easton with her husband John in 2016. Serving and supporting Talbot Humane as a member since December 2019, and previously on boards for the Everyman Theatre, and the former Institute of Notre Dame, both in Baltimore, MD Bridget brings a passion for animals and a commitment to the community. “We are excited to have Bridget take the helm as we continue our growth to serve the animals and their humans” shares Patty Quimby, Executive Director.

The Talbot Humane Board of Directors also voted 2 new community members to serve the animals of the Midshore, welcoming Dr. Jan Tesi and Vicki Petro to the Board of Directors. Dr. Tesi a private practice veterinarian who has volunteered her services and as a foster parent for the last several years. Vicki is employed with Easton Utilities as their Director of Human Resources and has been a volunteer and supporter of Talbot Humane with her husband Joe for over a decade.
Looking forward, we are excited to see what our team of seasoned members and new friends will bring to the animals and citizens of our community.


Sts. Peter And Paul Students Give Back!

Saints Peter and Paul school has been a long-time supporter of the shelter. Several times a year, the students raise funds and do food, toy, and supply drives for the animals who reside adjacent to their playing fields. The latest gifts came from the members of the SSPP Art Club, who combine beautiful artwork with service to the community. The high school-age youth painted ceramic dog and cat food bowls, made feather wand toys for the cats, and baked peanut butter dog treats for the pups. Just before Christmas, the club officers and adviser dropped off their donations and got to test the wands and treats with some of our charges. As always, we are grateful to the youth of our community for their love and concern for the shelter animals!

Film, Fur & Friends Movie Raffle for the Animals!

Only 250 chances to win a private auditorium at Easton Premier Cinemas!

All funds will support Talbot Humane’s efforts to create a more humane Midshore supporting our spay/neuter and intervention programs. 

We thank our friends for their generous donation for this event to help animals in need!

COVID 19 Policies at Talbot Humane (12.30.2020)

What a year of unprecedented changes and challenges! We are thankful to have been able to continue our services to the community through it all. In order to keep our team of staff and volunteers safe and keep you safe we will be continuing the following policies until further notice into the new year. 

  • Lobby Policies
    • ALL guests must properly wear a mask or face covering the entire time while visiting the building
    • Limit of 5 guests in the building at any given time
    • If the limit has been met in the building we will kindly ask you to wait in your vehicle until we have completed assisting other guests
    • Anyone who has experienced symptoms in the days prior to visiting are asked to refrain from entering the building
    • We are happy to serve you from the parking lot for any needs possible
    • Donations of goods and supplies are welcome to be dropped off at our front door bin or bring inside during office hours. We will happily provide receipts as requested. 
  • Adoptions:
    • All visitation of animals will be done by appointment following an adoption application being submitted and approved. We have found this has allowed adopters a more one-on-one experience while allowing our team to limit the number of people in our small workspace. 
    • Talbot Humane commits to keeping our pets for adoption listings up to date so potential adopters can see who is ready for a new home! 
  • Hours
    • Our hours will remain the standard hours at this time. 
      • M,T,W,F: 9:30A-5:30P
      • TH: 11A-7P
      • Sat: 11A-4P
      • Sun: Closed to the public

We thank you for your support and cooperation during these times. May we all get to the other side of this healthy and stronger than before! 

Giving Tuesday $10 Challenge



Talbot Humane is once again participating in Giving Tuesday! We are setting a $10 challenge to our supporters for December 1, 2020!  We hope you choose to join us and help reach our goal of 1,000 friends donating $10 each to raise $10,000! 


Click here to donate today! 


Talbot Humane Awarded Maryland Department of Agriculture Spay/Neuter Grant for 2021


Talbot Humane is pleased to once again be the recipient of funding from the Maryland Department of Agriculture for Spay Neuter Midshore. The grant totaling $28,715 will spay and neuter 434 dogs and cats within Talbot and Dorchester Counties in Maryland for calendar year 2021. “We are thankful for this gift to the animals of our community,” shares Patty Crankshaw-Quimby, executive director of Talbot Humane. “At this time we budget for approximately $60,000 in public spay/neuter services annually to serve residents of Talbot and Dorchester Counties. This does not include complications, medications or above and beyond care these animals may end up needing at the time of surgery. All funds for these programs must be raised through donations and grants. This funding helps lessen some of that financial burden. We could not be more grateful for MDA’s support and belief in what we do for our community.”

Residents with a dog or cat in need of spay/neuter should contact the shelter today. Surgeries are currently scheduled into early 2021. For more information or to schedule your pet’s appointment please contact Nancy Benner at caregiver@talbothumane.org or 410-822-0107. 

You may also download and submit the following form: Spay/Neuter Midshore Application

11th Annual Cookie Walk is On!

We are thrilled to be continuing our Annual Cookie Walk tradition, albeit a little different than years prior. Our amazing volunteers will still be baking thousands of cookies for the animals. This year in an abundance of caution we will be pre-packing boxes which have been pre-ordered. Pick up will still be at The Easton Farmer’s Market on December 19th, 8a-11a. 

Boxes are the same size as years prior: 1/2 LB box (small) $12 and 1 lb (large) $15.

We will have some other holiday items for sale the day of pick up too!

Order your cookies today: https://form.jotform.com/203095209602146

Orders will close at Midnight on Saturday December 12, 2020 for preparation purposes.

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