Situations like these are not uncommon at Talbot Humane. We do our very best for each animal entering our care. It is part of our mission to place every treatable and adoptable pet into a new forever home. But, to provide care for pets like Anastasia and Lilly is expensive. The medical bills for these 2 deserving pups have already risen to over $1,500. I’m sure you can guess, this will take a big bite out of our Shiloh Fund. This fund was created to provide special needs care beyond the basics to Talbot Humane animals.
This is where you come in.
We need your help today so we can provide care such as this to future Lillys and Anastasias. It is because of friends like you that we are able to fulfill our mission daily. Won’t you consider making a donation to our Shiloh Fund now? Your donation will save the life of the next special needs animal that comes through our doors.
Thank you for considering a tax deductible donation to Talbot Humane. Remember, if we each do a little, we can make an amazing difference for the animals together.