Talbot Humane


Our Humane Community, Changing Lives Together

We have been so blessed in recent weeks thanks to the generosity of our amazing community!
First, those crazy cats over at WCEI radio & WINX-FM dropped off a mass of food donated by the community through their #PawsforCause pet food drive! WCEI is one of our community partners and is always there for the animals and people when we need them.
Earlier this month our our friends at Easton Utilities, who too  are ALWAYS doing something special for the community AND Talbot Humane arrived bearing gifts! Their employees raised funds in December for the shelter and Easton Utilities matched it. Terri Bennett and Kelly Simonsen delivered a generous donation for the animals and lunch for our staff to show their appreciation. We are so lucky to have them in our community, and our staff was so thankful for the delicious pick me up!
Then today, our friends at Sts. Peter and Paul High School arrived with 1,000 pounds of food for our pet pantry too! They collected this during their lunch breaks for the past few weeks. The next generation is definitely THE humane generation.
We are so grateful for those who donated and arranged for these wonderful opportunities for the animals and our staff. You allow us to continue our important work for the animals in need on the midshore.

Third Thursday February 17th at Tickler’s Restaurant for the Animals


Join us at Tickler’s Restaurant at the Wylder Hotel Tilghman Island on Thursday February 17th! Dinner to help the animals of Talbot Humane. 

Located at 21551 Chesapeake House Drive, Tilghman.

February Staff Spotlight- Nancy Benner

Nancy has been with Talbot Humane for well over a decade! She began as a volunteer somewhere around 2007/2008. Later she joined as a staff member- first helping to clean on the weekends.
Now our Programs Coordinator, Nancy is responsible for our spay/neuter program, cat intervention program as well as many other hats around the shelter. Helping the cats is one of her passions. You will find her cooking a whole chicken for enrichment for the cats (this is proof of true love for a vegetarian!) You may find her sitting with a cat that is a social eater to encourage them to eat or brushing a frightened kitty. Her work with the intervention program is vital as well. Nancy truly believes in the work we do at Talbot Humane and it shows in all she does.
If you see Nancy, please thank her, we think she is the Cat’s Pajamas!

February Volunteer Spotlight- Vicky VanLoo

What can we say about Vicky? She is always willing to step up for the animals, staff and other volunteers of Talbot Humane!
Her journey with us began with Talbot Humane over 6 years ago as a runner with our UNLEASHED charity running team. Shortly there after she joined our volunteer force. At any time you may see Vicky working with a dog, taking a pup for a field trip or a shelter break, volunteering at an event or even dressing up as SNAPS if we really need her! She even got her husband Bill to join our team- he has been a regular force on our Dog Pack since he retired too!
We are so thankful for Vicky and Bill. IF you see them, thank them for all they do for the animals of Talbot Humane!

Love is in the Air in February!

For the entire month of February, adopters will receive a customized pet adoption photo and and a new bestie goodie bag. It is our way of saying thank you for adopting a shelter pet! Check out our adoptable pets now! Animals Available for Adoption

Happy Anniversary, JoJo!

On January 26, 2012 Officer Gonzalez responded to a call for abandoned animals in a home. When he arrived he found a yellow naped amazon living in filthy conditions, no food or water, cage filled with feces. The poor guy was in bad condition too, very pale and missing a lot of feathers- so many in fact we had a hard time identifying his breed!
While he may not have been in the best shape, JoJo was still spunky. The entire ride back to the shelter he had some “colorful” words for Officer Gonzalez! Untrusting of strangers and quite the potty mouth, I moved him into my office. I didn’t really expect him to become a permanent fixture in the early days. But his nervousness around strangers and the fact that he would bite the heck out of anyone- including me, made him less than popular for adoption.
As many of his feathers starting to return, and his color improved so did his trust. While he is still very selective, he now loves attention!
If you have ever visited the shelter you may have had a JoJo greeting- he loves to greet visitors with his “Hello”, and to answer the phone. He uses “That Word” a lot less now- but he is still sassy and will interject with a laugh any chance he gets in a conversation. For a bird who would only eat “junk food” in his early days with us, I now cook for him weekly (he’s not spoiled or anything) but he will still beg for your lunch- especially pizza crust!
Thank you for 10 fun years of being a great assistant director. JoJo I pray we have at least 10 more!

Giant Foods Bags That Give Back for Talbot Humane

(Easton, Maryland) – Reduce single-use plastic in the environment and give back to those in need in the local community, all while running routine weekly errands at the local Giant Food. Talbot Humane has been selected by local Giant Food store leadership as the benefiting non-profit in the Community Bag Program for the month of February!

The Giant Food Community Bag Program is an easy way for shoppers to give back to the local community and the environment as part of the regular shopping routine. Every $2.50 reusable Community Bag sends a $1 donation to a non-profit local to the Giant Food in which it was purchased.

As part of this ongoing program, every month at every Giant Food location a different local non-profit is selected to benefit from the sale of the reusable Community Bag. Talbot Humane was selected as the February beneficiary by local store leadership at the store located in Easton. Talbot Humane will receive a $1 donation for every $2.50 reusable Community Bag purchased at this location in February.

“It’s more important than ever to help reduce single-use plastic in the environment,” Patty Crankshaw-Quimby, Executive Director of Talbot Humane. “Non-profits at the local level, like us, are in need of community support. This program offers the perfect solution to multiple issues of the world today. We hope you’ll support us in February by purchasing one – or two! – Community Bags at our local Giant Food!”

For more information about the Giant Food Community Bag, please visit www.giantfood.bags4mycause.com

Simple ways to help the animals!

There are some pretty easy ways to make a big difference for the animals of Talbot Humane! Unused gift cards, round up, unused vehicles, AmazonSmile and more- all make a difference!

Charity Choice: Turn those unused gift cards into donations for Talbot Humane! Charity Choice for Talbot Humane

Donate a Vehicle with Car Easy: https://careasy.org/nonprofit/TalbotHumane

Round Up for the animals! Easy and you set the limit each month- EVERY penny counts! Round Up for Talbot Humane!


January Staff Spotlight- Amy Eutsey

Officially a staff member since January 2015, Amy has been involved with Talbot Humane for more than 10 years!

Her role with us began as head coach of our UNLEASHED team- Talbot Humane’s Charity running program. Training hundreds of local friends over the past 10 years to cross finish lines and raise funds for the animals is a passion for Amy.

In 2015 Amy joined our staff as the database coordinator and later became our volunteer coordinator. Amy’s patient manner and kind heart is a perfect fit for our volunteer force. “These friends are so dedicated to the animals and the shelter, it is a pleasure working with them” shares Amy.

This year while the shelter celebrates 90 years of service, UNLEASHED will also hit a milestone- 10 years of ordinary folks to do extraordinary things for themselves and the animals! We are gearing up to train a new team for the Richmond running festival in November 2022- be on the look out for information coming in April!

If you see Amy, thank her for her work, we are thankful to have her as part of our team!

#BettyWhite Challenge- Helping Animals in Need

As we all know the gift of Betty White left us on December 31, 2021. While she brought great laughter and joy to many of us through her comedy, those of us in animal welfare knew her as a true advocate for those without a voice. Throughout her life and career, she used her fame to help animals across the world.

At the time of her passing a trend began on social media. The #BettyWhiteChallenge, which encourages animal lovers and those who loved Betty to make a donation to their local shelter on January 17, 2022- what would be her 100th birthday.

Talbot Humane hopes our friends will join in celebrating the amazing life of this kind and funny lady and join the challenge! Just think, if 1,000 friends donate $10 each we could raise $10,000 in her honor!

If you are so inclined we welcome you to make your donation online today: Talbot Humane Donation Page

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